Pants on Fire! Lies will only burn you


To kill some time while on a flight to Houston, I tuned into a show on the Bravo Network that featured some high-profile realtors. I don’t usually watch very much TV, but this show caught my interest because it was focused on salespeople. In the first episode, one of the real estate agents was showing a 2 million dollar property and, midway into the tour, the potential buyer (who runs a non-profit) says “I knew it was right the minute I walked in.

At that point, my gut screamed “boom, done deal!”  My reaction was based on the following factors:

  1. My experience as a salesperson.
  2. The client’s demeanor and sincerity.
  3. The fact that no one is going to look at a 2 million dollar home and have that reaction, without having the funds to purchase it.
  4. When a house feels like a home to the potential buyer, it’s a match made in heaven! And every realtor should know that.

I was shocked when the agent–speaking directly to the camera–said that he doesn’t trust anyone, and that he’ll believe they’re interested only when they make an offer. He also made mention of the non-profit component, as if “non-profit” meant that they would have no capital.

Even though this agent seems successful and experienced, he still lacks instincts and knowledge. You have to trust your gut in sales and in life. When you’re in tune to that exchange of energy, you can tell if someone is legit, and whether their motive or intent is pure. That “spidey sense” gives us the ability to differentiate between genuine interest and a brush off. It enables us to be confident that a sale, a job, or even a first date, is ours.

Be willing to trust your instincts, especially if you cannot find answers elsewhere. ~ Brian Koslow

The Reveal

As the show progresses, it’s brought to our attention that this salesperson isn’t very honest. No wonder he doesn’t trust anyone, because he himself can’t be trusted. When you think about it, It makes perfect sense. If a person is dishonest, they tend to think that other people are also dishonest. Otherwise they have a character flaw, so they can’t be the only one, can they? Instead, they have to believe that everyone is just like them, because this justifies their behavior, and makes it seem acceptable.

Is everyone honest? No, but it is important NOT to assume the worst, especially in sales. You should always assume the very best, which enables you to act in the manner necessary to achieve sales success.

As it turns out,  the realtor in the show was completely wrong! The buyer was sincere, and ended up buying the home. She trusted her gut about how the home made her feel, and expressed that clearly when she said she “knew it was right.”

I now understand how these shows can get you hooked, because I had to watch another episode (especially since I was a captive audience!). Without getting into all the details of what unfolded in the next few installments, what was most significant to me was that the very same agent said “I pride myself on reading people.” What?!?!??!?!

Oh–and he also exhibited more dishonesty.

It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.  ~ Noel Coward

In Closing

After a few episodes, it was pretty obvious that the agent was driven by the commission or the thrill of the close, rather than providing exemplary service to his clients. Rather than seeking to nurture a win-win situation, it became a battle that created tension only because someone’s ego or wallet was at stake. My overall impression of him was that old cliche of the typical used-car salesman–except that the real estate agent was much better dressed.

In any field of sales, this type of behavior can leave the buyer feeling bad about making what should be an exciting purchase. It can even prevent someone from committing, which leads to disappointment, lost sales, and any referrals that might have come down the road.

As a salesperson, you shouldn’t be focused solely on the money. To be successful, you need to focus on taking care of the client. The money will come as a byproduct of your excellent service and enthusiasm for your product.

It’s the exceptional sales professional who ensures that the prospect always has a great buying experience.

Revolve your world around the customer and more customers will revolve around you. ~ Heather Williams

Rob Liano
Rock Star Life Coach & Sales Strategist
1.855.832.ROCK (7625)

© Rob Liano and Rock Star Success Coaching, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rob Liano and Rock Star Success Coaching with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About Rob Liano

The Rock Star Success Coach & Sales Trainer, Rob Liano is a best selling author and a Certified Life Coach empowering others through Personal Development & Professional Achievement!
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5 Responses to Pants on Fire! Lies will only burn you

  1. Jean Leonard says:

    ABSOLUTELY, UNEQUIVOCALLY, HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD, SPOT ON!!!!Thank you for your time and make it a great day! Jean LeonardUnlimited @UnlimitedEngage 

  2. Ben Gay III says:

    Great example, Rob. And it happens thousands of times a day . . . in all industries!

    • Rob Liano says:

      Thanks Ben and I agree. I read somewhere that it’s easy to make an honest living due to such little competition lol.

      Hey, maybe you said that one too!

  3. Pingback: The Wolf of Wall Street = Career Karma | Rob Liano – The Rock Star Success Coach

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