Happy Valentines Day! Oh, Am I Late?

A few weeks ago people everywhere celebrated Valentines Day. Did you happen to notice the following phenomenon?

The night before this day of love, and even on the very day itself, we see droves of people scurrying to get flowers, cards or make reservations in order to celebrate.

Last I checked, Valentines Day takes place on February 14th every single year, so why the last minute rush?

Late to the Party

If everyone knows about Valentines Day then why do so many people wait until the last minute? Maybe some were mad at their significant others, but in the cases where it is NOT intentional, it can only be because they didn’t prepare for it in advance.  Shouldn’t everyone be ready for it? It’s not as if cupid can sneak up on you for an event that we know about one year ahead. And if you’re not prepared for a day where you have a full year’s notice, where else are you unprepared and breaking hearts?

“If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for.” ~Florence Scovel Shinn

Lets say you’re told that you have to give a presentation this Friday afternoon, which would give you a better chance of success?

  1. Waiting until Thursday (or even Friday morning) to get to work on it.
  2.  Start working on it right away.  Outline the content. Create a PowerPoint presentation. Do a few practice runs. Ask others for their input. Check it and recheck it for flow, or any improvements that can be made, and also to see how long it runs.

I think we all know the answer. So which approach do you usually take in your career or personal life?

Blind Date

Remember when you went on that very first date or even the first few dates while getting to know someone? Did you usually plan out what you were going to do or did you just wing it?

The odds are that since you wanted it to go well, you planned it in advance. You didn’t just show up at their doorstep or go blindly into the date did you? Of course not. It’s more likely that you discussed some options with the person you were going out with beforehand, just to make sure that you were giving yourself the best possible chance at success.

You chose a date and time to meet and then tossed around some ideas before deciding on what was the best option. You wouldn’t want to take someone to the Skydeck in Chicago (103 stories up) if they were afraid of heights, or go to a seafood restaurant with someone who is allergic, would you?

You wanted to make the right impression, so why would you ever stop?

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin


Isn’t it funny how when you plan in advance, things just seems to work out better? This is why a new job or a new relationship or even a road trip is so successful. In the beginning stages, you you see the opportunity, you plan and prepare and then you seize the opportunity.

Let’s look at work as an example. When you get a new job, you show up early, you have a quick lunch and you might even work late. You’re prepared to make it successful and you’re planning and effort makes it so. Then as time passes, you start to change your actions. You don’t come in early and sometimes you even arrive late. You take a full lunch or even a bit longer. You take more breaks and often try to leave as soon as you can, and then what happens? Suddenly the job seems to have lost its appeal, but it’s mostly because you lost your zeal.

This very same thing can happen with a personal relationship. It loses its lustre because you do.

Look, A Head!

What is the next event or project that you have on your plate? Get to work on it now. Schedule it so that you can be prepared ahead of time. If you determine what you need, and how long it will take you to do it to the best of your abilities, then it will be an easier and less stressful journey to success. Whether it’s an anniversary, a birthday or a deadline at work, give it love, it shows that you care about these things.

Don’t go through life like a chicken with its head cut off. Any time you know of an event or project in advance all you have to do is take the time to plan, prepare and act, and it will always be less stressful and more successful!

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” ~Zig Ziglar

Rob Liano
Rock Star Life Coach & Sales Trainer
1.855.832.ROCK (7625)

 © Rob Liano and Rock Star Success Coaching, 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rob Liano and Rock Star Success Coaching with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About Rob Liano

The Rock Star Success Coach & Sales Trainer, Rob Liano is a best selling author and a Certified Life Coach empowering others through Personal Development & Professional Achievement!
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2 Responses to Happy Valentines Day! Oh, Am I Late?

  1. well my question is; how do you stay excited and looking forward to a job? many people become less driven, due to companies moral being low, or feeling unnappreciated by their bosses etc. i remember a job like that, so in order to maintain that driven attitude, you must love what you do. 🙂

    • Rob Liano says:

      I think the question is why do people strive to just survive and take a job they don’t love, that they’re not excited about? If the moral is low, raise it up, be a leader, not one of the sheeple!

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